The foreign countries’ dilemma: They bet all on Hillary



There’s wailing and gnashing of teeth abroad: Most foreign countries failed to hedge their bets, and now they have to face what they thought was impossible. El País describes the situation, not just in Spain, but across the world,
Madrid improvises Plan B after surprise win for Donald Trump. Rajoy government bet on Clinton victory; now faces an unfamiliar Washington

After assuming that Hillary Clinton would win the US elections, the Spanish government must now urgently improvise ways to build bridges with an administration led by Donald Trump.

And they can’t count on the king, either,

But Spain’s Mariano Rajoy cannot count on the royal family’s mediation this time around. Juan Carlos’ son, Felipe VI, is friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton, but not with the billionaire who will be sitting in the Oval Office from January.

Not that it couldn’t have been prevented,

Spanish PP deputies in the EU parliament did not attend the Cleveland convention that nominated Trump in July, but they did travel to the Philadelphia convention where Clinton was put forward as the Democratic Party candidate.

Here’s a bit of advice: Next time, work both sides of the aisle.

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