UPDATED Asking for help in getting medical assistance



UPDATE: this entry will remain on top for the time being and be updated as needed. Poltical ones below as they appear.
#1 update

Since many people have asked many questions I will answer the general ones here and individual ones as time allows. But my gratitude is all the same.

MONEY: I am not asking for money. Asking for money is a sign of failure for me. I know, it is stupid in a time where so many people ask for so many stupid things, but I try to preserve my pride as long as I can.
The time I would ask for money would be if I need to travel suddenly as good prices are not possible when you travel on short notice. I prefer to keep my savings for the care of my spouse. I will let you know when the time arrives if I cannot find a decent deal. And in that case I would limit myself to the extra expenses. Meanwhile I thank very much those who offered and you are on notice 🙂

SOURCES of medicine: This is the toughest to resolve. There is one in particular we need and I do not want to put it publicly. The company that makes it in the US so far has not been forthcoming but there are still ways to reach them. Meanwhile we are trying it from France, the USA or Colombia as the countries where I can travel the easiest if I need to do so.
If by any chance you are a doctor in your country, or you have contacts to cancer treatments only delivered through hospital pharmacies, let me know. For more common medicines, the ones delivered through normal pharmacies through normal prescriptions, I can get them from France already.

I know this blog used to have personnel from the US foreign service reading it. These days it may not be the case but I need to try. Besides, other people reading may be able to help, even if not from  the US.

The situation  is that there is no more treatment available in Venezuela for the cancer of my life partner. And there will not be as long as Maduro remains president (or anyone sponsored by the regime). It is abundantly clear that the regime will not spend money on health care anymore besides aspirin and a couple of basic antibiotics. High cost medicine is simply not in the regime’s agenda anymore. It has become a genocidal line at this point.

That would not be so bad if the regime allowed people to fend for themselves. But we are not allowed. Not only we have no access to USD, but even for those of us with some savings outside, it is difficult to ensure supplies unless we travel ourselves overseas. Under the pretext of fighting drug trafficking all couriers with pills are confiscated  (though surely those destined to higher up in the regime must manage some exceptions).

But there is an additional problem that was unexpected by us: many of the treatments for cancer are controlled medicines that are delivered only through hospitals, or extreme controls. I am finding that no matter what, manufacturers do not want anything to do with Venezuela, or demand that the patient be treated in the US. Which is nearly impossible without international health insurance that are, anyway, unavailable now in Venezuela.

Beyond the cost of the medicine we seek, which we could afford for a few months, the real problem is finding ways for it to be sold to us. Things we would need is support from the embassy in Caracas, be it from the US or other countries. Or perhaps support from an NGO in getting it. Or an adventurous MD who understands what we are going through and can maneuver the obtention of hospital controlled medications. My partner cannot travel but I can.

In other words anyone, or organization, that can vouch for the Venezuelan situation, that can report our case as a humanitarian situation can write privately to me to see how we can manage. No costs will be incurred to this generous soul as I have some savings that can tie us through for a few months. Though if some folks can help us purchase the medications, we would be immensely grateful since there are many more expenses we must tend to. But again, this is not a plea for cash, it is a plea for paperwork help in sorting the obstacles to obtain medications.

My address is danielinyaracuy(@)gmail(.)com , extra characters inserted for spam protection but you know how to remove them.

Since 2003 I have never asked for help, nor received any payment for this blog which in it’s heyday was one of the main sources of information about the truth on Venezuela, at my personal al risk, by the way. Now I am begging readers to help me.

