Colombia: “Peace” deal 2.0 tomorrow



Colombia’s government says it will sign a new peace accord with Farc rebels on Thursday, after a previous deal was rejected in a referendum last month.

The new revised agreement will be submitted to Congress for approval, rather than put to a popular vote.
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The five main points which have been changed are:

  • The Farc will have to declare all their assets and hand them over.
  • The money will be used for reparation payments for the victims of the conflict
  • Concerns by religious groups that the agreement undermined family values have been addressed
  • A time limit of 10 years has been set for the transitional justice system
  • Farc rebels will be expected to provide exhaustive information about any drug trafficking they may have been involved in
  • The peace agreement will not form part of Colombia’s constitution

Peace Deal 2.0

But opposition groups say it still does not go far enough in punishing rebels for human rights abuses. Santos’ chief rival, ex-president Alvaro Uribe, has rejected even the revised deal.

Uribe has insisted, for instance, that FARC leaders should not be allowed to run for office while still serving sentences for atrocities.

There’s also this,
A rash of murders in Colombia has peace-deal advocates on edge

The victims have mostly been rural organizers, land-rights advocates and people who have campaigned in favor of the peace deal. In the public’s perception, they’re associated with the left and attacking them is an attack on the viability of peace accords that hope to end the nation’s half-century of conflict, said Sen. Iván Cepeda, a vocal advocate for the deal.

As you may recall, initially Santos promised that the deal would have to be approved by referendum. The referendum rejected it.

And now this.

Cross-posted at Wow! Magazine.

