The rich girl’s guide to “Hamilton” tickets



Everybody is talking about “Hamilton” today because of this,

Ironic, isn’t it, that the guy giving the speech plays the character who killed the author of the Federalist Papers essay on the electoral college.

The cast didn’t explain exactly what they mean by “on behalf of the show”, but contrary to popular opinion, rich people don’t get rich by spending all they have, they get rich by keeping most of what they earn, which is why Broadway Wants Longer Tax Break as ‘Hamilton’ Prints Money – “on behalf of the show.”

Tickets to “Hamilton” start at $350 ($250 + $100 in fees) for rear mezzanine rafter seats, and go up to $1188.60 ($849 + 339.60 in fees) for orchestra seats, available for July 17, 2017. That is per ticket.

So, as a value shopper, here’s what you can get for $1188.60 in Manhattan, in locations where the staff is instructed to not lecture you about politics,
Nineteen dinners at the Brooklyn Diner on 57th Street (entree, salad, wine, tax and tip). (Note: I like the Brooklyn Diner.), or,
Six nights at AirBnb or two nights at the Marriott East Side., or,
Two little black dresses at Bergdorff‘s ($417 + tax each), leaving you some change, or,
Three center orchestra (second row) tickets to the Met Opera’s spectacular Aida ($286 + tax each), plus $90 for three glasses of champagne during intermission.

So for one $1188.60 “Hamilton” ticket, you and your date can get a good dinner, go to the opera, have a drink, spend the night in the city, and have money for a cab. Price of a new dress not included.

Choose wisely.

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