El Papa impuso la birreta cardenalicia a Baltazar Porras (Fotos)



Nov 19, 2016 2:28 pm
Publicado en: Destacados, Nacionales


El papa Francisco creó hoy cardenal al arzobispo de Mérida (Venezuela), Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo, a quien impuso la birreta cardenalicia y entregó el anillo, símbolo de su compromiso universal con la Iglesia Católica, en una ceremonia celebrada en la Basílica de San Pedro del Vaticano.



El cardenal Porras Cardozo es uno de los 17 purpurados -13 electores y 4 no electores-, creados hoy por Jorge Bergoglio en su tercer consistorio y que se incorporan así al Colegio Cardenalicio de la Iglesia Católica.





ALT109. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- A general view of St. Peter's Basilica before the start of a Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/GREGORIO BORGIA/POOL

ALT109. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- Pope Francis (C) during the Consistory ceremony at the St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/GREGORIO BORGIA/POOL POOL PHOTO

ALT109. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- A general view of St. Peter's Basilica before the start of a Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/GREGORIO BORGIA/POOL

. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- Pope Francis during the Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI

. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- Pope Francis (C) speaks during the Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI

. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- Pope Francis (C) speaks during the Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI

. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- Pope Francis (C) during the Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI

. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- Pope Francis (C) presides the Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI

. Vatican City (Vatican City State (holy See)), 19/11/2016.- Pope Francis (C) speaks during the Consistory ceremony in Vatican, 19 November 2016. Pope Francis has named 17 new cardinals, 13 of them under age 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect his successor. (Papa) EFE/EPA/MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI

