Venezuela opposition to collect signatures to influence dialogue with gov't



Venezuelan opposition party Primero Justicia, or PJ, proposed Friday to launch a campaign to collect signatures nationwide to demand that early elections be held, with the results of the campaign to be presented at a meeting of the national dialogue planned for next Dec. 6.

PJ «will get into the bowels of our country, into the streets and towns of deepest Venezuela, to raise the spirits of our people and to collect from Nov. 30 to Dec. 4 the demands of all Venezuelans who believe in the vote,» Carlos Ocariz, mayor of the Sucre municipality of Caracas, said.

The mayor, a PJ militant and a negotiator for the MUD opposition alliance in talks with the Venezuelan government, said that the results obtained will be presented to the mediators and negotiators of the dialogue.

PJ is the party of twice-presidential-candidate Henrique Capriles and the largest among the four principal parties of the MUD.

«With the world watching Venezuela and with the mediators here in our country, let’s just see whether this deaf government will continue to betray its original promises, let’s see if it has the audacity to keep up the duplicity and continue to ignore an undeniable truth, that Venezuela wants to vote,» Ocariz said.

The Venezuelan government and the MUD initiated last Oct. 30 a process of dialogue under the sponsorship of the Union of South American Nations, or Unasur, and the Vatican to resolve the oil-producing country’s political, social and economic crises.

The chief demands of the opposition alliance are that early elections be held and that a recall referendum on the presidency of Nicolas Maduro be allowed to proceed after being suspended by Venezuela’s high court days before the MUD agreed to enter into a dialogue with the government.

